Saturday, March 28, 2009

This weekend and that - short and structured (part I)

I This weekend - without a shirt on my back
These days, I keep thinking about that poem (or story..I don't remember) I read at school. A hypochondriac king, convinced he was suffering from a serious affliction, summoned all the medical practitioners in his kingdom and demanded that he be diagnosed and cured of his mysterious illness. Some medicos were honest (yes, some of them are :-)) and informed the king that his illness was a delusion. The King, not used to truth, summarily sent them to gallows. Some others, more used to the ways of kings, humored him by diagnosing illnesses with strange sounding names and prescribed him placebos. Of course, the placebos could not keep the mad king happy for long and their fate was no different (much like in real life, the honest and the equivocal both go to hell!). So, in the end, there was only one physician left - considered the wisest and most prudent of them all. When it was his turn, he diagnosed the king with what he called "depression" and opined that the king could be cured only if he wore the shirt of a perfectly happy person. The king dispatched his troops in all directions to find a perfectly happy person. Days, weeks and months passed by - it seemed that nobody in the Kingdom was perfectly happy - everyone had a past to complain of, a present to preserve or a future to secure. Till one day, a group of soldiers, chanced upon one who appeared like a vagabond. He lay in an open field, under the sun, his eyes closed, a blissful smile playing on his lips. The soldiers questioned him - "Are you happy?" "Perfectly!" "Don't you have any cares?" "What cares? My past, present and future are this moment" "We want your shirt" "Shirt! I have never had one!" The king heard that the only perfectly happy person in the kingdom did not have a shirt on his back! The king suddenly understood this "depression" - he renounced his kingdom and wealth and lived happily ever after - like a vagabond. Such has been my weekend - lying in the open fields, under the open sun, without a shirt on my back, soaking in the moment.



Blogger Preeti said...

this reminds me of a song by U2 - The Kite (though the song hasn't been sung in the same context, but some parts of the song fit so with ur post).... a kite flying in the blue skies, with its string snapped, going high & high up into the blue, guided only by the winds, no cares, no fears about a thing ..

9:04 AM  

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